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Skill in strategy + execution

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Big picture + detailed thinking

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Deep training + broad continual development

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A safe extension of you + independent provoking


My passion is helping organisations pause and define their business, brand and marketing strategies with intention – challenging their market orientation, critically understanding the value they offer, and defining how to mobilise that value. My work builds on 20 years in brand, marketing and communications, and more than a decade in business strategy.


Today, I support clients in creating new strategies, resetting or improving past strategies, and exploring gaps between documented plans and accountable implementation. I thrive on understanding a client’s business and wider context so I can tailor evidence-based frameworks for precise, relevant results, drawing on my experience in designing, delivering and aligning people to effective strategies. Through this, I aim to improve organisational capability, capacity, clarity, effectiveness and resource efficiency.


Since founding Marketry in 2010, I have supported a diverse portfolio of clients, ranging from small-to-medium sized enterprises to ASX-listed companies. Many have cited gains in profitability, growth, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability enabled by my services. My sector experience is deliberately generalist, including business improvement, community development, conservation, construction, creative industries, engineering, environmental innovation, government, IT, infrastructure, management consulting, manufacturing, mining, not-for-profit foundations and charities, professional services, property development, recruitment, real estate, resources, retail, software and tourism.


My style is professional, thorough, enthusiastic and creative, and blends big-picture and detailed thinking. My ability to ask great questions of leaders is driven by my love of ongoing learning. Recent development includes the globally leading MW Mini MBA in Marketing and Mini MBA in Brand Management – the world’s most advanced training in brand management – both of which ensure my marketing skills are drawing on the latest research and thinking globally. I have also completed masterclass teaching from the likes of Jim Collins, Chris McChesney, Brene Brown, David Allen, Patrick Lencioni and John Spence, enabling current and continually honed knowledge of global leadership and strategy best practice.


I hold a Bachelor of Business (Communications), Bachelor of Creative Industries (Media Studies) and Master of International and Community Development. I served on the Queensland Council for the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) for four years (to 2012), am a Certified Practising Marketer and Fellow of the AMI, and am a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD). It is also my privilege to be a Board Member of GraceWorks Myanmar, a community development organisation focused exclusively on Myanmar.


Based in Brisbane, I support organisations Australia-wide. If my skills and experience sound like a good fit, I welcome the opportunity to see if and how I can add value to your organisation.

Elizabeth Graetz

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Strategy defines, shapes & influences

It creates understanding and purposeful interactions, particularly if it listens more than it speaks.

It strikes a balance between vision and adaptability by ensuring action is decisive and choiceful.

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